Membro della SCNAT

La NGB provvede alla diffusione dei risultati e promuove la comprensione della scienza tra i cittadini. Offre ai suoi membri la possibilità di avere scambi reciproci di idee e attività di networking. Inoltre organizza conferenze ed escursioni e ogni anno rilascia una pubblicazione.di più

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmondi più

Research colonialism still plagues Africa

African researchers are suffering from power dynamics that favour global North collaborators. While some initiatives are helping build local capacity, others undervalue African collaborators. COVID-19 is aiding the creation of a foundation for future North-South collaborations. SciDevNet Blog by Laura Owings.

SciDevNet Blog
Immagine: Copyright: Je'nine May

Tokenism, top-down management and inequality still plague African researchcollaborations with the developed world.

In spite of years of talk about collaborative partnerships, African researchers say that they are all too often consigned to the role of field worker or information gatherer despite being leaders in their science.

Inequality exists at many levels, with tensions typically similar to those embedded in donor-recipient relations in international development cooperation.

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